Сейчас я ума не приложу и диву даюсь, как вот это творение пятнадцатилетнего меня понравилось не только молодым, но и взрослым опытным "текстовикам", для которых этот язык родной, с форума, где я тогда только начал общение в зарубежном интернете. А ведь понравилось! И, главное, гораздо больше чем все то, что я пытался сочинить на английском после этого. Вот такая штука жизнь.

One time I found a real friend
Just once I left famil'ar land
Could not hear any mind's commands
But only one time, yeah
One time forgot about the time
And very shortly it was fine
Soon fortune paused bein' mine
But then it came back, yeah

It was one time - oh it's so bad
But that was once and I was glad
Because thank God I wasn't timid or headlong
This life for someone is a joke,
For somebody it's just a walk,
While others got through all and hardly can go on

One time my anger broke away,
I was the crowd and went my way,
I had uplifts, got through decay
But only one time, yeah
Ever I had to go aside
My life resembled a horse-ride
Though sometimes it was slow and out of pride
For me

It was one time - oh it's so bad
But that was once and I was glad
Because thank God I wasn't timid or headlong
This life for someone is a joke
For somebody it's just a walk
While others got through all and hardly can go on

One month a year I feel alone
One day a month I want to know
What I am living for and what will later be
Sometimes I break with all before,
Then count my losses and the score
That doesn't always gladden me